Naval Science Courses

NAV 1101 - Introduction to Naval Science

Navy organization, customs and traditions, officer and enlisted rank and rating structures, uniforms and insignia, shipboard duties, seamanship, damage control, and safety. Core values of the naval services, Navy regulations, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

NAV 1102 - Seapower and Maritime Affairs

Historical influences on development of U.S. Navy, from American Revolution to present. Critical, contemporary issues.

NAV 2201 - Ship Systems I: Naval Engineering

Detailed study of ship characteristics/types. Design, hydrodynamic forces, stability, compartmentation, propulsion, electrical/auxiliary systems, damage control, administration. Basic concepts of theory/design for steam, gas turbine, diesel, nuclear propulsion.

NAV 2202 - Ship Systems II: Science and Technology in Naval Weapons Systems

Detection, evaluation, threat analysis, weapon selection, delivery, guidance, explosives. Physical aspects of radar, underwater sound. Facets of command, control, communications as means of weapons system integration.

NAV 3301 - Navigation I: Piloting and Celestial Navigation

Great military leaders of history. Development of warfare, from dawn of recorded history to present. Focuses on effect of major military theorists, strategists, tacticians, technological developments.

NAV 3302 - Navigation II: Seamanship and Ship Operations

National/international nautical rules of the road, seamanship, tactical maneuvering/signaling, relative motion, vector-analysis, formation tactics, ship employment, ship behavior/characteristics. Application of maneuvering board in solving motion problems.

prereq: 3301

NAV 3309 - Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare

Development of amphibious doctrine, its expansion in Pacific Campaign of World War II. Detailed case studies of Tarawa, Iwo Jima, Okinawa illustrate amphibious planning.

NAV 3310 - Evolution of Warfare

Great military leaders of history. Development of warfare, from dawn of recorded history to present. Focuses on effect of major military theorists, strategists, tacticians, technological developments.

NAV 4401W - Leadership and Management I

Advanced study of organizational behavior/management. Major behavioral theories examined in detail. Practical applications. Exercises, case studies, seminar discussions.

NAV 4402W - Leadership and Ethics

Naval Science 4402W prepares future leaders by exploring and applying a diverse range of leadership and ethical tools to enhance objective, sound, and timely decision-making in the most challenging environments.  This course emphasizes the importance of leadership that adheres to the highest standards of character and integrity.  It is a “Leadership Seminar” where fundamentals and applications of leadership and ethics will be discussed.  It is the capstone course within the NROTC academic curriculum.  The primary purpose of this course is to help you develop your personal leadership philosophy and style based on a solid ethical foundation. 

NAV 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 - Professional Training In Naval Science

Instruction and training in basic military subjects and professional development, including military leadership, close order drill, marksmanship, honors and ceremonies, personnel inspections, and computer-based war game simulations.  Classes and small group seminars on leadership and ethical issues with case studies.